South Carolina may be better known for Strom Thurmond than Denmark Vesey, but somewhere in this right-wing morass there exist isolated patches of wild-eyed maniacs hell-bent on anarchist revolution. A collection of CrimethInc. agents across South Carolina is inviting friends and others in our fair state to join us for a weekend of experiential resistance this Friday, November 17 through Monday, November 20 in Charleston, SC. Building off of and further towards a regional Southeast Anarchist Network, we hope to use this gathering to discuss operations we have undertaken over the past year–from anti-fascist actions to mountain justice summer, and other conspiracies–as well as develop our relationships with one another and lay plans for the future. We are sure people in this state have similar frustrations and also really awesome insights about organizing in this weird place, and we hope to take this opportunity to share with, network, and inspire each other. Events begin Friday at 8 with a potluck meet & greet, and the weekend will be filled with practical workshops, discussions and skillshares–from lifestyle politics to direct action. For more info contact [redacted] Our crappy webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/folk/crimethinc
Friday: Potluck at 8pm; Capture the flag
Saturday: Workshops all day, free dinner, beach party at night!
Sunday: Food Not Bombs, Really Free Market, Bike Tour, Mural Painting
Monday: ?